1. Who can apply for a grant?

The Foundation exclusively supports organizations classified as tax-exempt under section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The Foundation only supports organizations serving residents of Lancaster County, PA.  The Steinman Foundation grant-making currently highlights three strategic program areas: Early Childhood Education, Economic and Workforce Development, and Community Journalism and Media Literacy, as well as our Community Stewardship Program, through which a broad array of important local nonprofit organizations, and their work within Lancaster County, are supported.

2. What type of support is given?

The Foundation will consider applications for specific programs and general operating support. Grant requests of less than $5,000 are not given consideration.

3. How do I apply for a grant?

For all grants, the application process begins with a Letter of Inquiry (LOI) submitted to apply@steinmanfoundation.com. LOIs must include a brief summary of your organization’s mission and goals, and outline how project and grant funding would be used to support the Lancaster County community. See our Grant Guidelines and Deadlines page for more information.

4. What information is requested on a grant application?

Grant applications require information such as general organization information, mission, program/project description, population reach, intended impact, goals, and measures for success. Additionally, we request financial information such as organization and project budgets, 990PFs, audited financials, and lists of top financial contributors or funding sources.

5. What information is requested on grant reports?

Grant Reports may be required depending on the amount of funding and complexity of the grant. Grant reports will request information such as progress toward goals stated in your application, community impact, lessons learned, significant changes and future plans. Financial reporting will require a budget showing the use of grant funds. Additionally, the Foundation is to be notified if the funding goal has been reached prior to the Foundation’s decision, or if the project has been canceled.

6. What if I have trouble using the online application form?

If you have trouble with the online form, please contact apply@steinmanfoundation.com for assistance.

7. What will the timeline be for processing applications?

The Foundation Board meets quarterly, reviewing all LOIs at each meeting, with Community Stewardship LOIs reviewed yearly at the Q3 board meeting in September. Grants applications will be reviewed each quarter, with individual applications being reviewed at the board meeting following their submission. Decision notifications will typically be returned within a month’s time following the board meeting in which a proposal was presented to The Foundation Board.

8. Is The Steinman Foundation related to Steinman Communications?

  1. The Steinman Foundation is the independent, private foundation of the James Hale and John Frederick Steinman families.  Over the past 70 years and with the financial support of LNP Media Group, Inc. and other Steinman Communications companies, the Foundation has granted more than $100 million to charitable endeavors.  For more information about the company’s philanthropic activities, please contact apply@steinmanfoundation.com.