What We Support
Economic & Workforce
Development STEM
Community Stewardship
Early Childhood Development
Local Journalism
& Media Literacy
Fostering Workforce Development and STEM Education
In 2020, LCSA invested more than $700,000 to connect industry and education while at the same time fostering equitable access to STEM-rich learning across Lancaster County.
Supporting Local Journalism and Media Literacy
News deserts are a national problem, with nearly 70% of the counties in the United States without a daily newspaper.
In an effort to ensure Lancaster County residents remain informed and connected, The Steinman Foundation seeded the Lancaster County Local Journalism Fund, LLC with an initial grant to promote the vitality of local journalism and nurture media literacy, and has now invested $1,000,000 worth of grants in the Local Journalism Fund.
Enhancing Water Quality and Creating Recreational Opportunities
The Little Conestoga Creek Foundation, with funding from The Steinman Foundation, has initiated an ambitious and important effort to revitalize nearly 3 miles of the Little Conestoga Creek, spanning four different municipalities. The project will reduce pollutants reaching the Chesapeake Bay, eliminate watershed flooding, and create recreational connections through key parts of the County.
This project, which has already attracted regional attention, will deploy a precedent-setting approach to project approval by municipalities and state regulators. The project’s pollution reduction methodology involves legacy sediment removal which will diminish the harmful runoff reaching the Chesapeake Bay.
Tackling Racial and Economic Inequity
The DEI-STEM Ambassador program, in partnership with Millersville University’s Center for Advancing Justice and Human Rights, provides training opportunities for leaders of community-based STEM organizations and out-of-school programs to ensure all youth-serving organizations provide welcoming environments where all students can learn and flourish.
The Steinman Foundation, in partnership with the United Way of Lancaster County, created the Lancaster Partnership for Learning Equity (LPLE) in response to COVID-19’s disruption of K-12 education.